“Get the Memo” is a first-person dystopian role-playing game set in the imposing corporation Big Corp., which is overseen by an intimidating boss. Play as an aspiring intern in their first week on the job, where you'll navigate through a maze of unassuming cubicles, combat sentient office supplies, and climb the corporate ladder. Cycle through light but inexplicable office training during your breaks and much more sinister work while you’re on the job. Meet characters like your only other fellow employee, Bob (who isn’t particularly treated…well…in the office.) You don’t know much about Exec. Waterson, the company, or what your job really is. Should you remain complacent and wait until you finish your term? Or, maybe the truth about this 9–5 is determined to come out, whether you want to take part or not. It’s not like you have a choice—you already signed the contract. Just remember to brace yourself before you leave the elevator, because it might take a while until you can catch your breath.
Our game includes a full tutorial, so the best way to learn how to play is through that! But, if you just want to read about it on this site, here's a list of a few of the controls:
Combat controls:
- WASD to move
- Space to jump
- Shift to sprint
- E to dash
There are two ways to install Get The Memo: building from source and downloading the binary.
To build from source, download our GitHub repository at this link:
You can pull the source code down on your machine using your preferred Git client or git itself.
The pre-built binary is available on this website.