Six high school students have collaborated to create an art-driven story-based game that tells the tale of two friends, Flin and Merle, who are involved in a life-changing event. The day after the incident, Flin wakes up and realizes that Merle's brain has repressed all memories from the life-shattering night. Confused and lost, Flin is unsure how to deal with everything. They also come to realize that they aren’t alone. You are helping them through this unusual situation. You will collect evidence, navigate nightmares and try to pave the way for Flin as they begin to figure out what they want to do. You will have to earn their trust through a series of decisions and figure what exactly happened on the fateful night.
Keep in mind, your decisions matter. Every choice you make has an influence in the course of the game. However, if Flin starts to suspect that you don't always have the best intentions in mind, they might start to distrust you. If you lose enough trust, Flin won't want to listen...
Click space or enter to go through dialogue.
Use your arrow keys to go through your options.