Base Race is a multiplayer LAN game that has: base building aspects, lasers, and logic gates. Base Race was coded in python using the [Pygame Library]( It demonstrates the main theme of OGPC v11 through the multiplayer and an in-game logic gate system.
This game requires python 3.6, pygame, a server.
Installing pygame into python requires a rudimentary understanding of the CD and ipconfig commands in a command line.
Step 1: install [python 3.6](
Step 2: navigate to the Scripts folder in the install directory of pygame:
Step 3: type 'cd C:/Users//AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python36-32/Scripts' in CMD
Step 4: type 'pip install pygame' into that same CMD
Step 5: find the local IP address of the machine that will host the server
Step 6: connect to that machine from others and use different player IDs 0-3, 4 players max