Commander Lena is about a futuristic space race between the China Space Program and NASA. NASA and the China Space Program are racing to get the first human to Europa. When NASA implements the brain chip into their space crew, the China Space Program hacks the coding. The brain chip was made to be able to see astronaut's view when they get to the planet, but since it was accessible to the brain the China Space Program took advantage of that. The China Space Program has access to the space crew's brain chips, and the crew is about to land on Europa. However, Commander Lena's brain chip is faulty, and it's up to her to save her crew from the hacks of the China Space Program.
A - Move Left
D - Move Right
Left Click- Interact with object/person(s)
Left Click (in dialogue) - Go to the next dialogue
Right Click- Fire your laser gun
Enter- Skip Room
Backspace- Go to previous room
Esc- Exit Game
Have Game Maker Studio Installed on your computer.
Download the most recent game file and open it in Game Maker Studio then click the green play button.