This isn't a normal platformer. In this world, you command the strings that stretch throughout the Universe. They are invisible to the naked eye, but with something a little bit special, you can see it. You can edit these wires, causing the level to change when you die on a spike, or when a block pushes a button. Yes, you heard it right. For this game, death is not the end, but just a part of life. Use your powers to beat seemingly impossible puzzles at a first glance, and then beat the indestructible Ice Cream Kid. Welcome to Eyesore.
Created in Godot 3.5
Movement controls and interact/respawn controls can be keybinded in the Controls menu.
Use the interact key that is keybinded ('E' by default) to open the wire terminal (Object with wires coming out of it and green pixels scrolling down the screen). From there you can connect wires from green highlights on the tilesets to red ones (like spikes to a block or buttons to a checkpoint) to interact with what they do. There cannot be two wires on a higlight (with the exception that there is an immoveable wire there) Play around with it and try to finish puzzles! Red wires a preset and cannot be moved, they stay in the level. If an immoveable wire is on top of a highlight you can connect another wire to it, otherwise a wire cannot be connected there. There are a few other mechanics, but those should be explained in the game.
Windows: Download exe from website and double click to run on your computer.
Linux: Downlaod the Linux file from the website and go to your terminal. cd to the directory you downloaded it from, and type "chmod +x [nameoffile]" (The file will likely end in .x86_64).
Mac: Instructions not yet documented, but it's possible.