In the somewhat distant future, an Aqua Cube exists in a dystopian world, where global warming has taken over. There is a scarcity of water, as well as many other natural resources. Soon, the earth may be devoid of all life. In desperation, an Aqua Cube (player) named Auggie sets out on a quest, an adventure, to vanquish global warming, and the lack of water, so life can be like it once was once again.
You are an aqua cube and the ultimate goal is to create an alternate source of energy that doesn't involve polluting the environment. The first part is to unplug the energy source to the coal plant. As soon as you do that you open a box that contains windmill parts , and you start building. Eventually you will finish building the windmill, and plug in the power transfer that came from the coal plant. Then the game is finished, and you go back to the start menu.