Dimensional Mayhem is a 3D Action Adventure game that follows the story of a scientist that created a teleportation device. Unfortunately, his device malfunctions, taking him to a new and strange island dimension. The player must search the island, find the missing teleporter pieces, and defeat the bosses that are defending them.
Select 'Start Game' and select a save slot. After the opening cutscene, use the given controls or personalized control scheme to navigate. WASD will move the player and Space will jump. Use the mouse to look around. Escape will open the menu and E will open the inventory. When close to an item, press space to pick it up. This will open the inventory where you can place it.
our official website and click the "Download" button in the top right of the page, or download the game from our TMS page. This will prompt you to download a .zip file. After downloading, right click on the file in your downloads and select "Extract All." After extracting, run the application file "Dimensional Mayhem.vbs" to play the game.