#[M/\RK3T M3T/\L]
In a desolate world, danger lurks everywhere as you try to build the best train. Navigate 20 diverse biomes, each with vital resources. Yet, hostile robots pose a constant threat, endangering both you and your passengers. Survival is critical.
* Navigate along the tracks through the world and scavenge for crucial resources needed to upgrade your train and survive. Encounter trading posts and settlements for trade and passenger exchange.
* Search for resources, food, and water throughout the world or farm your own to upgrade your train and survive.
* Research found items to craft gear, weapons, and train upgrades, to progress.
* Build new carts for your train-Farming, Storage, Passenger, and Utility-to aid in your progression.
* Research your way to newer and increasingly more complex items to aid in your survival.
* Stay prepared for diverse enemy robots, each with unique attack methods, ready to strike at any moment.
# [M/\RK3T M3T/\L]
Uses a standard keyboard and mouse layout for movement and mouse interaction
* **Movement: [W, A, S, D]** - side view uses only [A, D], **Sprint [shift]**
* **Dismount**/re-mount **train:** **[B]**
* **Switch Camera Views: [K]**
* **Interact with UI menus: [Mouse Left]**
* **Exit UI menu: [esc]**
Download Market Metal FINAL Zip folder from the google drive link
Extract the folder into its own file
Double click "Market Metal.exe"
(File was too big to upload, sorry!)