These are the game entries teams are working on for a given season. Games with "Private" are hidden until the team is ready to show them off, or until the competition.
Worst Dev Team Ever (49)
Hillsboro High School
High School
Error 404: The Team You Are Looking for Does Not Exist (50)
Clover STEMs Science Club, Deschutes Co 4-H
Based Pattern (48)
Wilson High School
Penteract (47)
Crescent Valley High School
Tigard High School
E-Lemon-ators (45)
Sunset High School
Polymythy (44)
Franklin High School
Melted Gravel Software (43)
Amity High School
Ballad Games (42)
Gamedroid (41)
Middle School
Sandwich Mafia (66)
Riverdale Grade School
Level Up! (39)
Cedar Park Middle School
Bad Robots (40)
Franklin Laser Cats (65)
Franklin Middle School
Three Amigos (27)
Smart Gamers (38)
International School of Beaverton