These are the game entries teams are working on for a given season. Games with "Private" are hidden until the team is ready to show them off, or until the competition.
Miracle Whipped! (236)
Benson Polytechnic High School
High School
The Heights (234)
French Prairie Middle School
Middle School
Latecomer Legends (233)
Crescent Valley High School
Magnificent Maniacs (232)
Random Mechanics (231)
Redmond Proficiency Academy
Gaming Quasar Alliance (230)
alite (229)
Galaxy (228)
Century High School
GenericTeamDotexe (227)
Mountainside High School
Cakewalk (226)
Liberty High School
Gravitational Pull (225)
Tualatin High School
Pixelators (224)
Evergreen High School
XXY (223)
Wilson High School
The Red Army (222)
Apex Predators (221)
Broken Bits (220)
Low Expectations (219)
Team Team Team Team (149)
Awkward Ghost Studios (135)
Rex Putnam High School
Project Ataahk (147)
Infallible (202)
Nestucca Junior Senior High School
Cat Constructors (201)
Dead Programmers Society (90)
Coding Cougars (218)
Ukiah High School
ThePancakeWolves (216)
Code Farmers (215)
CTEC (Career and Technical Education Center)
Roosevelt3 (212)
Roosevelt High School
Roosevelt2 (211)
Roosevelt1 (210)
Eugene Team Machine (209)
Fantastic Four (137)
Lincoln High School
4-Bit Program (186)
Cascades Academy of Central Oregon
Irrational Overflow (165)
Duniway Middle School
White Socks (208)
Hillsboro High School
The A Arons (207)
Heritage High School
Optimal Games (205)
Apathetic Companion (37)
Tigard High School
Prof Procrastinators (206)
Skypoeia (204)
Forest Grove High School
Cybear Games (130)
ThePROgrammers (200)
TBD the Team (199)
S.V. (198)
メガウィーズ { Mega Weebs} (196)
Cascade Junior High School
PartumSoft (235)
Mosier Community School
Crimson Blade (191)
Sunset High School
Sparkle Tech (190)
The Center for Advanced Learning
Goodberry Games (189)
NPC Rights Activists (187)
Skyview High School
Banana Storm (182)
Cyborg Coders (180)
The Dalles Middle School
Unicorn Blast Studio (179)
The Dork Side (177)
Code Breakers (116)
Exspresso Depresso (176)
Cascade Senior High School
The French Toast Mafia (175)
Team Decay (132)
Mohawk Jr/Sr High School
Kᴹ Productions (174)
Stik-Soft (173)